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  • Siiri

One day in Canberra

I have visited Canberra before, so this time I decided not to see the touristic sites and just walk around the city and see other parts of it. I remember that in 2018 on our road trip we just concentrated on places on the south side of the Molonglo river, so this time I wanted to stay in the city centre in the north side.

I booked a hostel directly from the CBD - I am not sure actually, how many hostels Canberra has but as this one was quite empty and calm, my guess is that there are not that many. The people who stayed at the hostel seemed to be long-term residents. The hostel had been recently sold to another company, and it seemed like they were still trying to work their way through operating the hostel. It was still a good place for one night.

As I mentioned on my previous post, I already visited the Mount Ainslie look-out on the last evening of my road trip during sunset. Canberra definitely looked amazing from up there, and I got excited - maybe Canberra did have more to offer than what it felt like last time.

Before returning the car, I headed to get breakfast at Rye cafe, and it was delicious. I also searched for things to do in Canberra, and wanted to go to either National Gallery of Australia or the National Arboretum. But first I wanted to check in to my hostel.

I was so tired from the road trip, and really in need of a shower so after returning the car, I decided to sit down with my laptop at the hostel kitchen and catch up on my writing.

My time in Canberra ended up being quite short and uneventful. As mentioned, I just walked around the city, and most of that time, it was raining hard. I couldn't take my phone out to take pictures either because of the rain, so I only have 4 pics of the whole time spent there.

The city definitely had more cafes and restaurants than I remembered or had imagined. Or maybe it is just where my attention goes nowadays.

The mall in the city centre was filled with beautiful real and plastic plants, and it was a great vibe.

Next morning I slept long, enjoyed a brekkie and later some lunch and headed to the bus station to catch my bus that would finally take me to Sydney.


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